Why Integrate Curriculum?

Links to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards

Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) is the curriculum that all State schools, including Mount Rushmore, plan through. It is made up for three unique strands, Physical, Personal and Social, Disciplined-based and Interdisciplinary learning. The three strands can be viewed as learning areas that are all interrelated and connected in their desired learning. However, mosts schools, including Mount Rushmore, have been teaching the domains in VELS separately. On the other hand, VELS is designed to be used as a framework for whole school curriculum planning from a ‘big picture’ perspective where the three separate strands are interwoven. It is through merging these three learning strands that an effective integrated curriculum unit is created that provides children with rich learning and is accountable to VELS.  
In planning Integrated Curriculum units, the content in which students are taught will remain directly related to the VELS progression points. The cross subject area characteristics of integration allows our teachers to efficiently teach and assess multiple VELS learning outcomes in a single unit. The following diagram shows how the Integrated Curriculum approach links VELS with its implementation: 
Integrated Curriculum is the Pedagogy and it is directly linked with VELS and assessment
All work is done by Alan Nguy 299 967